We spoke to Luzada, the SkyBubbles resort that welcomes the last rays of the day’s sun.
To work with your life partner, you have to be very disciplined, have very clear roles for each one and respect that invisible barrier that marks the border between work colleague and life colleague. Through tone, trust and respect, you can forge, as the legend goes, that symbiosis that brings the best of each facet. When you meet Jimena and Manuel, you realize that legends like this become reality with hard work and a smile.

Luzada – Glamping Bubbles Galicia

Our protagonists in this interview are the owners and managers of Luzada Skylight Bubbles, a resort in Galicia that only the word “unique” comes to mind when describing it. This entrepreneurial couple has managed to reinterpret the world of innovation, nature and comfort to offer a different experience to what we understand as glamping.
“To work with your life partner, you have to be very disciplined, be very clear about each person’s roles, and respect that invisible barrier that marks the border between work colleague and life colleague.”
P. You lived in Madrid, you both had stable jobs… And you took the plunge to set up Luzada in Galicia. In retrospect, it sounds risky.

J. Yes! I’m coming from studying a degree in Tourism and a Master’s in Hotel Management, working in the management of 4 and 5 star hotels. Manuel was a Product Manager in a company in the video game sector, specialising in products and events. The pandemic came, we thought about it, we evaluated it and… here we are.

P. And Galicia?

M. On my family’s side, we had a traditional Galician farm, with about 40,000 square metres for livestock and with a good location, close to centres of interest, but with enough distance to guarantee privacy. This type of property in Galicia is usually more of a headache than a blessing for those who must manage it, because its conservation and development require capital and many hours… And that’s where we saw the opportunity. Now, I jokingly say that my grandparents grew potatoes here and we grew bubbles!

P. And the Skybubbles? When did you hear about them?

M. Because of the images. We were interested in the concept when we saw it on the internet. Specifically, we saw a rendering of Miluna, who we know and have a good relationship with.

P. I understand that you put two and two together, Galicia, the surroundings, Skybubbles…

J. Exactly, that was when we left everything in Madrid and ventured –not without first thinking it over carefully and doing our numbers– to launch our proposal.

P. I understand that at a family level it must have been quite a surprise, right?

M. Yes, we came from two consolidated jobs in powerful companies… And of course it was quite a surprise in our closest environment, but we were determined and we knew that the bet was firm. Both we, as well as our family and friends, believed in the project from minute 0.

Luzada – Glamping Bubbles Galicia

P. Were there any doubts about the product? That is, did you think of another type of cabin other than the SKB for your resort?

M. NO Not at all. From the beginning we were clear that to provide the experience we aspired to give and to distinguish ourselves in the market, the Skybubbles were the best option.
In our case, we are in the north of Galicia and it is a fact that it does not shine here every day. That is why we cannot sell a Mediterranean climate, but what we can offer is a spectacular environment, like few places can enjoy, both due to light pollution, which tends to 0, and due to the proximity to the beach and hiking trails. If we wanted to take advantage of all that, we had to find a product that fit our vision and that above all offered us guarantees in terms of climate. Here the wind can exceed 80 km/hour and when it rains it does well. Our priority has always been to guarantee the safety and comfort of our clients, and that is something that only Skybubbles can offer you today.

P. Has the weather been a handicap for you?

J. No… We have both become expert meteorologists, ha, ha, ha. Many times something that might seem like a problem at first (such as the weather in our case) can be an advantage. Being in our facilities during a lightning storm that falls on the sea is unique, and you can see it from your room; seeing how the wind moves the grass and the trees while you are inside the bubble experiencing maximum comfort… You can only do it here! In addition, we are lucky that our surroundings offer us a multitude of complementary activities that greatly enrich the experience of spending two or three nights in Luzada.

P. Which ones?

M. Well, from taking surf lessons, since Luzada is just 10 minutes walk from Esteiro beach, to hiking in wild and green nature, visiting typical Galician villages and their good food like Mondoñedo, to nights with 0 light pollution and views of the sky that you take home as a souvenir. Skybubbles are part of the whole.


P. I feel like going to visit you…

J. Well, you know, here we are, you won’t regret it. In fact, it is becoming more and more common for our guests to spend more than one night with us to make the most of their stay.

“Being in our facilities during a lightning storm falling on the sea is unique, and you can see it from your room; watching the wind move the grass and trees while you are inside the bubble experiencing maximum comfort… You can only do it here!”

P. What type of guest usually visits you, local or more international?

J. It varies depending on the season. In the summer we tend to have more international guests and in the low season we tend to have more national tourism, especially from Galicia and Asturias. It’s curious because they are two different audiences that come for different reasons. While the former come for the environment, the local public comes more for the experience of staying in a bubble.

P. In a place like Galicia, where it seems like everyone knows each other, you must have raised expectations…

M. Yes, we have had a lot of curious people! Both close and not so close ha, ha, ha. There are those who believe that this is as simple as putting three bubbles and making money by the bucketload charging a fortune every night, and when they realize the work behind both the planning, as well as the attraction of the client, cleaning, maintenance or services, they clearly identify that this is not a business that can be sustained so easily.

P. What advice would you give to new entrepreneurs who, like you, one day leave behind a past life to start a complex with Skybubbles? 

J. Think and analyze the project calmly, go with calculations made and be clear about the legal terms regarding permits for the installation. It is not always easy to obtain the permits to install the SKBs, it can take time and time when you start is the second thing you have the least to spare. 

P. You now have 3 Skybubbles running, you look established and secure. Does Luzada’s future involve growth?

M. I see it, Jimena is more cautious and we will have to do the math, but sooner or later I think the project involves continuing to grow.

P. Guys, it has been a pleasure talking to you.

J. and M. Thank you, the pleasure has been ours!