Innovate in the world of luxury
Is innovating in the high standing accommodation sector still possible? Skybubbles arrives in the US, a new lodging concept with the ambition of breaking all the rules of the Luxury market.

“In 2016 we saw clearly that we could do something different by bringing together Innovation, nature and comfort in a single concept and we did not think twice. 6 years later we are in 9 countries on different continents and we continue to reach new destinations. We are living the adventure of our lives ”
He is Quim Rabasa CCO (Chief Creative Officer) and co-founder of Skybubbles, a company forged in a small town near Barcelona, Santa Coloma de Farners, which is making a name for itself in terms of new experiences in the world of high-end hosting. Together with his brother, Xavier, they have been working together for more than 20 years, specializing in inflatable architecture figures until they undertook the great change towards this DIFFERENT type of accommodation (yes, in capital letters).
The SKB is an essentially visual product, with a single look you already know that you are facing something new; seeks to connect the guest with a 360% vision of their environment. As? Covering a luxurious room covered by an oval and totally transparent layer. So much so that the only thing a guest notices inside is the warmth of the temperature if it is cold outside or the breeze of fresh air if, on the contrary, it is hot outside. A cabin that allows you to sleep under the stars and wake up with the sun’s rays, watch the wind move the trees or watch the heavy rain fall without giving up anything that any room in a five-star hotel would offer you.
Cost effectiveness
But the Skybubbles are not only something different, innovative and striking. 6 years of experience show that when choosing Skybubbles customers also choose a profitable business model. According to the company’s own statistics, the SKBs have three strong points as an investment model that meet the expectations of those entrepreneurs in the hotel and resort world who are looking for real profitability in an innovative commitment;
ROI: the start-up from the purchase to the commercialization and reservations of a skybubble takes between 2 and 3 months, a period incomparable with any construction today and, therefore, the return on investment is therefore much faster than any construction in use.
Bookings; The Skybubbles have during the year an average of reservations of more than 85% on average during the weekdays and rises to more than 90% on weekends.
Average cost price per night; If before we talked about the ROI due to the easy start-up when adding that the average price of any Skybubble per night is 25% higher than the average of any conventional 5-star hotel, it ends up convincing even the most skeptical.
“ROI, occupancy percentage and average price per stay are the key to the success of implementing Skybubbles projects around the globe!
Regular customer:
Who is the ideal client for a company of this caliber? At Skybubbles they are clear about it;
“Our regular client and with whom we like to work is the one who comes from the world of hotels and resorts, with experience and wants to start a new project or managers of luxury and great luxury hotels who seek different experiences for their clients and to be able to differentiate yourself from the competition. Both profiles are highly oriented to both innovation and results. For us it is important to interact from businessman to businessman and create a climate of collaboration that goes beyond the sale itself” Quim’s words again.
“Our regular client and with whom we like to work is the one who comes from the world of hotels and resorts, with experience and wants to start a new project or managers of luxury and great luxury hotels who seek different experiences for their clients and to be able to stand out from the competition”

Models and accessories:
Currently the brand has 4 different models:
The Suite: the most commercialized and well-known SKB, a room with a hall, a luxury bed and its own bathroom and ideal for spending the night as a couple.
La Premium: With more space and amenities, designed to please the most demanding guests. The current ratio in any SKB resort worth its salt is 1 Premium for every 5 Suites.
The Family&Friends: A special way to live an adventure with family and friends. With the F&F, up to 4 different people can share the cabin with two independent bathrooms.
Start: the SKB homage, the converted model of the first version of the product that is used to create unique spaces as a place to celebrate a special dinner, have a drink or even read a good book in hotels and resorts.
The brand also has 6 different bathroom models, parquet floors of different qualities and recommended beds so that each client can model their SKB to their liking.
A different, innovative and profitable product. The Skybubbles have been stomping and come to the US to break the rules of those established so far in the world of luxury with solidity and proven experience.